Dauphin Island Estuarium

We made it to Dauphin Island, Alabama!
My favorite part of the drive was the forever long bridge we had to drive to get onto the island. I love water and bridges, so I completely enjoyed every minute of being on it!

We stayed at my Aunt Gen and Uncle Tom's house for our Dauphin Island tour. 
They had a tent popped up in the living room for #2 and #3 to sleep in, so fun!

The day started with a trek through the local nature preserve (which was so relaxing) that meets the beach. My Uncle had his dogs and it was amusing to watch them swim. I forgot the camera, so no pictures to show!

#3 Isn't that big of a fan of sand, so he bellyached quite a bit, so we cut our walk short, 
and got ready to go to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium. 
Here's the link to their website.

It turned out to be an amazing visit. My Uncle Tom works at the Sea Lab, so he holds a wealth of knowledge in his cranium that he freely shared with us throughout each exhibit. We learned so much!

These are baby alligators.

There's a touch table full of preserved animals. It's was a little creepy but cool at the same time.
#3 is holding a some kind of ray.
This is some kind of fish that I forget the name, that comes from another country, and is plaguing our waters. They have no predators here, so there population just keeps expanding, causing severe issues. 
Some towns hold competitions for catching them, to try and clean up some.
After a nice day at the Estuarium (which I learned is where part of a river meets the sea), 
we headed over to the pool to cool off a bit!

Then it was wood chopping time for #3, he wanted to, so we could make a campfire.

Success!! Marshmallows were roasted, and way too many s'mores were consumed!

Good times in Alabama!!

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